The founding fathers of this great country, the United States of America, had the wisdom and forethought to know that a nation and its government built of the people, by the people and for the people would endure the tests and trials of time. West Main Mission is extremely small in comparison to the greatest nation in the world. However, we believe it will also endure the tests and trials of time because it has been built and continues to stand on the same foundational principals.
In 1978, a Rutherford County business man, who is a Christian, received inspiration from God to do something for the people of Rutherford County in addition to his gifts to a local church. This led to an initial gift of $30,000 and the concept of what was soon to become the West Main Mission.
The basic idea was to develop an agency through which caring compassionate people could administer the love of Christ by helping meet the physical needs of all those who might come through its doors. Meeting the needs of Rutherford County people by local citizens is a long standing practice that sparks the fires of community spirit and neighborly love which still illuminates our community today.
West Main Mission began for the purpose of helping people in need and it continues today by the free-will gifts of Rutherford County citizens. The Mission is not a tax supported organization and is, therefore, not a tax burden on the people. The operational expenses are paid by gifts through the United Way of Rutherford County, and gifts given directly to the Mission by private citizens, churches, Sunday school classes, ladies church auxiliary groups, civic and charitable organizations and local businesses.
West Main Mission serves just over two-thousand families which translates into 4,750 individuals in Rutherford and Cannon Counties on average each year. The Mission provides clothing, shoes, emergency food boxes, take out lunches, Christmas gifts, school items, small appliances, and other household items, along with special gifts to those who lose their home to a fire, and do not have insurance.
Based on conservative estimates the Mission will distribute: $50,000 in clothing and household items. $50,000 in take out lunches. $6,500 in emergency food boxes. $30,000 in rags to Salvation Army. $2,000 in fire victim relief and $40,000 in Christmas gifts. The Mission is staffed by one full time employee, one part time employee, and a total of twenty volunteers. Donations are accepted from 8:00am to 3:00pm Monday thru Friday. Items are given out by appointment Tuesday thru Friday. Appointment times are 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am and 1:00pm
To offset the high cost of rent, each family that comes to the Mission pays a $15.00 registration fee each year. Under certain circumstances the registration fee might be reduced or waived by Jim Hargrove, the Mission Director. The registration fee gives each family seven visits to the Mission to get things. Plus the opportunity to register their kids for Christmas.
If you would like to help in any way please contact Rev. Jim Hargrove, Director, by writing or visiting the Mission. All cash and material donations are tax deductable. Come by and visit us Monday-Friday 8:00am – 3:00pm or call us at 893-8912. Thanks for any help you may give.